First Ever Dan Poynter Legacy Award:
“Best of” Category: On the Edge of Now: Book V — Jagged Edge, Brian McCullough
Best Cover:
Gold: On the Edge of Now: Book I—The Departure
Silver: On the Edge of Now: Book V—Jagged Edge
Science Fiction:
Gold: On the Edge of Now: Book ll—No Man’s Land, Brian McCullough
Gold: On the Edge of Now: Book lV—Fulcrum, Brian McCullough
Gold: On the Edge of Now: Book V—Jagged Edge, Brian McCullough
Gold: On the Edge of Now: Book VI—Enlightenment, Brian McCullough
Silver: On the Edge of Now: Book lll—Redemption, Brian McCullough
Silver: On the Edge of Now: Book 1—The Departure, Brian McCullough
Best Author Website
Gold: www.OnTheEdgeOfNow.com